Our Fees


Financial Planning Consultative Services


  • Financial Advice offered on an hourly basis.
  • Provides clients professional advice when making day to day financial decisions.
    • Requires consultation to establish client portal.
    • Optional Client Portal: Provides aggregation tool which allows for on-going monitoring of financial progress against identified goals.
    • 24/7 access including fraud monitoring, goal tracking, financial reporting, investment analysis and document vault.
  • Best for Clients who desire specific and measurable goals and often include:
  • Budgeting/Cash Flow, Debt Elimination, Home ownership, Real Estate Investing, Retirement Readiness, Asset Allocation, Tax Minimization and Estate Planning
  • Individual Financial Plans are also offered on a Flat fee ranging from $600 - $2400 and include a Budget, Emergency Fund Calculation, Life Insurance Analysis, Retirement Savings Plan, Debt Elimination Strategy and Estate Consultation. 




$125 / hour
(1 hour minimum)


Educational Seminars


  • Seminars designed to meet the specific needs of each audience.

Pricing varies.
Seminar costs range from
$600 - $2400 based on
topic, scope and duration.


Management Services


  • Managed portfolios offered as a stand-alone service.
  • Custom portfolios designed to meet individual client needs.
    Most successful relationships result from comprehensive wealth management
    which combines financial planning with managed portfolios allowing us to continually track and evaluate progress toward achieving investment goals.


Fee Range
 0.75% - 1.15%
 Pricing dependent upon 

account type, size and complexity.

Advisor Fees only.
Additional account fees may apply.