Our Commitment

We fully embrace our commitment to put the needs of our clients above our own.  As such, our clients have come to expect the following in every interaction:

We adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior as outlined in the Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards' "Code of Ethics and Standrads of Conduct". We strive for continuous improvement through ongoing education, professional designations/certifications and active participation in relevant industry associations.

Our independence enables us to provide advice and recommendations solely to assist you in achieving your goals and objectives in the most cost effective and efficient manner.  Clients have no obligation to purchase financial products of any kind. We provide thorough analysis and the freedom to choose the implementation method that best meets your needs.  

Every client situation is unique.  Although planning generally involves familiar needs such as saving and investing, the advice we provide will be based on your unique facts and objectives.  If financial products are required for implementation, our recommendations will be based upon whatever insurance or investment related products or services best meet your needs and goals.

We feel each client plays a significant role in helping to achieve their financial goals.  We strive to make our client experience engaging, informative and user-friendly through the use of on-line tools and information sources.

We know you have choices in financial services.

We not only want to earn your business but, more importantly, we want to earn your trust and confidence. 

We realize trust takes time.

We encourage you to get to know us, ask questions and test our recommendations.

Working with us will provide the trusted, objective advice you have always wanted.